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So…what exactly is Chamfr?

Quite simply, we are the medical device component marketplace. What does that mean? Let’s say you’re looking for tubing that you can use to prototype a new catheter, and you want it from a company that actually understands what a quality system is. If you even know where to look, chances are you are going to have to wait for that custom tubing… a very long time.

For years, a whole lot of independent manufacturers have sold custom medical parts to designers and developers the old fashioned way. Telephones, custom quotations, and queues, all add up to weeks just to try a design. We think that’s way too long. Why shouldn’t buyers and sellers of medical components be able to find each other in one spot with thousands of off-the shelf parts ready to be shipped at the click of a button?

Our Vision

Our entire goal is to make product development go faster. Quicker turnaround lowers cost and improves the chances of products having a shot at being successful. That’s good for everyone, including the healthcare providers and patients who are the ultimate recipients of high quality parts.

Focus on your customers, and the rest will take care of itself

It may sound old school, but at Chamfr our years of experience in medical device component sales has taught us that this saying holds true. Our customers are you – the designers, manufacturers, and supply chain professionals creating amazing products that improve people’s lives on a daily basis. Our primary purpose and commitment is to help speed up the innovation that you make happen, providing a direct link between specialty parts and those seeking them.

We are proud to be a female founded company

At Chamfr, we believe diversity and inclusion shouldn’t stop at our product selection. We strive to be inclusive of a person’s merits, and not by their gender or the color of their skin. If you want to be part of a workplace that wants to make a difference, contact us today.