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Quickly find thousands of medical device components, equipment, tools and services from hundreds of qualified suppliers—all in one place.

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Why Chamfr?

Thousands of Stock Components

Thousands of in-stock medical components that ship directly from suppliers

Access to 100+ Medical Suppliers

Transparency in who you’re buying from for your DHF and long-term medical supply needs

We’re a Marketplace

It’s like having tons of online stores in one—a true one-stop shop!

100% Focused on Medical Devices

Suppliers are ISO-certified and include a free CoC in every shipment

Must-Have Products for R&D Engineers

Speed up your prototyping process with these must-have products. From cutting-edge technologies to vital components, these in-stock products are perfect for helping you quickly move through your design iterations to turn your ideas into prototypes.

Qualified Medical Device Suppliers

What People are Saying

Thank you for starting Chamfr. It is an incredible resource for us R&D folks. We’re getting things done faster than ever.
You’re our Amazon for medical components. Our R&D guys love it!
Chamfr is a far better tool for connecting with buyers than tradeshows, and at a fraction of the price and hassle!